How To Effectively Soundproof A Dog Crate

One of my friend’s has an adorable little pup that simply won’t stop barking every time I visit. Even though she puts her in her cage this little pug barks constantly, which got me thinking can you soundproof a dog crate? And how can you do this?

How do you soundproof a dog crate? Here are a few actions you can take to reduce the noise:

  • Generate white noise in your dog crate
  • Use a camera in a your dog crate
  • Cover with soundproof blankets
  • Install a crate pad
  • Get a dog crate cover
  • Install acoustic foam panel
  • Install a heat-resistant soundproof mat
  • Buy a soundproof dog crate

The first thing I learned is that soundproofing a dog crate is not 100% effective. Filling every hole or gap is nearly impossible. Plus, you need to make sure there is proper ventilation for your do which brings me to my next point.

Proper ventilation for soundproofing

Before you begin soundproofing your dog crate, it is important to make sure there is enough airflow inside your dog crate. This is critical for two reasons:

  1. Prevent your dog from suffocating
  2. Prevent your dog from overheating

If you want to completely soundproof something then you need to seal up every tiny hole that allows air to enter. Doing this to your dog crate would suffocate your pup. Therefore it is import to allow for some chinks in your soundproof armor so your dog can breathe normally.

Making it harder to breathe for your dog will lead to overheating. Your pup will have to work harder to get oxygen, which can cause them to pant and become exhausted.

Soundproofing a dog crate can also make it very hot. the temperature may tend to get uncomfortably warm for your pup, especially if it is a warm environment. This too can lead to your dog overheating.

Because your dog’s safety is the #1 priority, there will be some gaps for ventilation purposes. Unfortunately, this does not make your dog crate 100% soundproof but does help in absorbing or dampening any noise being produced. Your best strategy is to only soundproof the walls, ceiling, and floor of the crate while leaving the front door untouched for adequate airflow.

What type of soundproofing material?

When engaging in a soundproofing project, you should consider the type of material and products you are using. Here are a few checklist items to keep in mind when determining what material to use:

  • Must be able to clean it easily
  • Must be water repellant if outside or near a source of water
  • Must be resistant to mold or mildew
  • Must be durable so it does not get damaged easily
  • Proven high noise reduction coefficient rating (NRC)

The last thing you want is to complete a soundproofing project that is not effective or can get damaged easily. This would negate the effort you put forth in the first place. You want to make sure the soundproofing you do will last and actually mitigates the noise problem.

Dog crate soundproofing ideas

This section details the soundproofing strategies mentioned at the beginning of this post. You should be able to easily implement these to dampen potential noise such as barking and whining. Again, always make sure to check your dog is comfortable and safe.

1 – Generate White Noise In The Crate

Simply producing some white noise in your dog’s crate can help to reduce any sounds. Here are two reasons why this is method is so effective:

  • It can calm down and soothe your dog
  • It can mask your dog’s barking

If there is no background noise your dog’s barking will sound amplified. You can try playing some music with this portable JBL Bluetooth speaker. You can clip it inside your dog’s cage or place it on the floor of the crate to help mitigate any noise.

2 – Put A Camera In Your Dog Crate

You know how you use a baby monitor to make sure your child is safe? You can use a camera in much the same way to check on your dog and keep them calm.

You can place the Furbo Dog camera in your dog crate, which will alert you when your dog starts barking. You can then turn the camera on to see and speak to your pup, which should help to stop the barking and whining.

If your dog typically gets noisy when you are not around, using a camera is a perfect alternative if you do not have the budget for a dog sitter. This will help to keep your dog quiet while you’re at work or out running errands.

3 – Cover With Soundproof Blankets or Sheets

If you are on a budget then you can easily dampen the noise of your dog’s cage using a soundproof blanket. Using a couple of moving blankets to cove your dog crate is a cheap and effective way to mitigate sound.

Why are moving blankets an excellent source of soundproofing? The blanket is designed for insulation and reducing damage, which also consequently makes them great for soundproofing.

These type of blankets are constructed using a combination of both soft and hard material with thin padding. Moving blankets are quite big so you should easily be able to cover small and medium-sized crates without issue. Large crates will require multiple blankets.

How to soundproof a dog crate with moving blankets

Here is a quick step-by-step guide to help you soundproof your dog crate with moving blankets:

  1. Take one blanket and place it over the top of your dog crate allowing it to hang loosely.
  2. Pull all 4 corners outward evenly making sure one side is not longer than the other.
  3. Tuck all corners inward underneath the floor of the crate so the blanket fits snug around the cage.
  4. Clip any loose hanging parts of the blanket to the cage with binder clips
  5. Take another moving blanket and line the crate floor with it.

Remember to be mindful of airflow for your pup to breathe. You will also need to get a waterproof sheet or lining of some sort if you plan to leave the cage outside.

Instead of moving blankets, another option is to use sound absorption sheets which also offer quality soundproof results. It won’t completely block out sound but you will notice a significant reduction in noise. The grommets on this Audimute sound absorption sheet make it easy for you to attach to each side of the crate.

4 – Get A Crate Pad To Drown The Noise

The sound reducing effects of placing a crate pad inside of your dog crate is similar to placing a large rug on a hardwood floor. It greatly dampens all noise reverberation and echoes.

Using a dog crate bedding like this one will not only help to dampen sound but also make your pup more comfortable. It comes in a variety of sizes so make sure to get one that covers the entire floor for most optimal soundproofing.

5 – Get A Dog Crate Cover For Easy Sound Absorption

Using a dog crate cover is similar to using blankets for soundproofing. They are designed to protect your dog from outside noise as well as reduce noise from escaping the crate.

Investing in a crate covers like this 3 piece bedding will be very convenient if you are on the go. Crate covers are easier to install because they are designed to fit the exact dimensions of your dog crate. Therefore it is important to make sure the crate cover is large enough to cover the size of your dog’s cage.

Most crate covers are thin and breathable, which makes them excellent for ventilation purposes. However, because they are typically made of thinner material, you may need additional blankets for extra soundproofing. This will help increase the overall thickness of your soundproof barrier, which is key when trying to reduce noise.

Always be careful when adding more blankets. Your dog may freak out because of the sudden darkness. Adding extra blankets can also decrease the ventilation and increase the temperature within the dog crate.

6 – Acoustic Foam Panels

Using acoustic foam panels is another way you can soundproof a dog crate. These work great for soundproofing small to medium size crates. Outside noises such as thunder and fireworks will be minimized as well as absorbing any amount of barking that tries to escape the crate.

How to cover a dog crate with acoustic foam panels

The great feature about foam panels is that you can easily install and uninstall from your crate. If you decide to purchase some foam panels for your crate, you can follow the steps below on how to install them.

  1. Measure the length and width of each side of your dog crate
  2. Cut the foam panels to size (if needed) using scissors or a razor.
  3. Use binder clips to attach the foam panels to the metal framing of your crate.
  4. Repeat until all sides (except the front door) are covered

Following these steps will keep your acoustic panels securely fastened to your dog crate. This essential if you constantly transport your dog. The last thing you want to do is be burdened by falling foam panels or possibly lose a foam panel during your travels.

7 – Heat-resistant soundproof mats

I came across this soundproof mat and thought it could work well for soundproofing a dog cage. It is heat resistant so it would keep your dog nice and cool. There is insulation that will intercept any sound trying to enter or escape. Another feature I like about this is the waterproof exterior so the material will never get ruined.

You can install these soundproof mats similarly to that of the acoustic foam panels. Simply cut these mats to match the size of your dog crate and attach using binder clips.

8 – Buy a soundproof dog crate

The last piece of advice for soundproofing a dog crate is to actually invest in a soundproof dog crate. This is by far the easiest soundproofing solution to resolve your noise problem. There is a variety to choose from but the most popular is the ZenCrate. Keep reading to learn more about this smart and luxurious dog crate.

What is a soundproof dog crate?

A soundproof dog crate is designed to mitigate any outside noise from entering and any internal noise from exiting. These crates are constructed with sound absorbing material to capture the barking and whining noises of your dog while simultaneously providing peace and quiet from outside sounds. This is not a perfect soundproof solution but will definitely help to reduce noise.

How does a soundproof dog crate work?

A soundproof dog crate works by intercepting the noise between you and your dog or your dog and some errant outside noise. The dense material used for the structure of the dog crate is able to provide this reduction decrease in sound travel.

Note that these are not 100% effective. They only serve to dampen or quiet the noise. What does this mean? You will still be able to hear your dog bark but at a much lower decibel level.

Benefits of a soundproof Dog Crate

What are the advantages of a soundproof dog crate? Check out the list below that will greatly benefit you and your pup.

  • Your pup will be protected from loud outside noise such as firecrackers and thunder
  • Your dog will be happier resting in a more peaceful environment
  • Your dog will be safe
  • Your dog will not be frightened
  • You will not hear as much barking or whining
  • This will help mitigate noise coming from your home or apartment
  • There will be fewer complaints from neighbors and visitors

Those are a few benefits you can expect when you use a soundproof dog crate. Your life will become less hectic and more peaceful overall.

What is the best soundproof dog crate?

The best silent dog crate on the market today is the ZenCrate. It is designed to bring peace and tranquility to your pup.

It was founded through a Kickstarter project as the world’s first smart dog den. The overall design is simple and implements smart technology to better cater to your dog’s needs.

This luxurious dog crate has been proven to reduce your pup’s anxiety and dampen noises. It consists of a waterproof memory foam bed located on the floor of the crate. The motion-activated music will soothe your pup if he or she happens to become restless.

The ZenCrate is even prepared for a power outage. It is equipped with a battery in case your electricity goes out.

Most importantly, the ventilation in this dog crate is excellent. The airflow is just right to keep your dog happy and calm. You won’t have to worry about overheating or exhaustion.

How much is the ZenCrate?

The ZenCrate costs a total of $679.

How long can you leave a dog in a crate?

An adult dog can typically be left in a crate for up to 8 hours. This range may vary. For young pups, it will typically be less since they are still learning and anxious.

How do you stop a dog from barking in a crate?

Here are a few tips to apply to help your dog stop barking and whining when they are put in their crate. Try implementing a few of these to help keep your dog calm.

  • Keep your dog out of the bathroom – Typically, the bathroom is the loudest room in a house or apartment. This can frighten or cause your pup to become anxious when they hear all of the sounds reverberating through the walls and pipes.
  • Keep your goodbyes short – Do not linger when it is time to say goodbye to your dog. Extra hugs and kisses will only cause your dog to miss you more and rile them up emotionally.
  • Walk your dog – If you have time, make sure to take your dog for periodic walks. This will enable them to go to the bathroom and get some fresh air. Being cooped up all day listening to different noises can drive any animal crazy.
  • Hire a dogsitter – To help your dog remain calm you can hire a sitter or bring your pup to someone’s house. This can get expensive so make sure you have the budget for this. You could also have a family member or friend to watch your dog.
  • Give your dog a bone – Purchasing a toy for your dog will help to keep it entertained while you are gone. This will prevent them from barking.
  • Crate train your dog – Yes, your dog can be trained to behave in their crate. You can hire a trainer or learn how to do it yourself.

Author: Derek

I am the creator of this blog. I have spent over 5 years of my life as an amateur, freelance voice-over artist for Shutup Systems cartoons and taught myself how to create quality music using Adobe Audition and Reason software. Producing quality sound has always been a passion of mine!